Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-The-Emperor-the-Emperor-Had

Flash Fiction Friday: The Emperor the Emperor Had

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by Mark Allen Berryhill Gunfire erupts somewhere in the distance, although distinguishing the sound of combat from the noises the arcade cabinets make can be tricky. The bass thump of explosives rattles the glass in the ticket counter and confirms it. He puts his cheek to the glass to feel […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Above-the-Bloodline-of-the-Wayward-Flower

Flash Fiction Friday: Above the Bloodline of the Wayward Flower

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by Madeleine Swann A mother wheeled a very large pushchair through the entrance of Pod Pals Cor. They passed the factory floor where rows of green plants were watered or inspected with checklists. Some were having ripe pods removed – cut at just the right point above the sleeping inmate. […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Transsexual-Meth-Addicts-with-Marshmallow-Eyes-Come-to-Earth

Flash Fiction Friday: Transsexual Meth Addicts with Marshmallow Eyes Come to Earth

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by Andrew J. Stone I always knew it was only a matter of time before the transsexual meth addicts with marshmallow eyes would resurrect a queen and descend to exact their revenge. A decade ago we traveled to Mars X to claim the planet. And once we discovered there was […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Spell-of-the-Game

Flash Fiction Friday: 3 Shorts by Zoltán Komor

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by Zoltán Komor Spell of the Game I witness a pervert insulting a young girl on the bus. Opening his long, black trench coat, he shows the girl the Rubik’s Cube between his hairy legs. “Solve it, you little bitch!” he hisses at her. The girl takes it as a […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-The-Version-of-Pinocchio-Where-Pinocchio-Has-a-Dick-for-a-Nose

Flash Fiction Friday: The Version of “Pinocchio” Where Pinocchio Has a Dick for a Nose

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by Danger Slater Back in middle school I had this idea for a short story that was just like ‘Pinocchio’ except in my version Pinocchio’s nose was a giant dick. When he would lie, he’d get a boner on his face. He’d tell the girls they were beautiful, but he […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-The-Sexy-Cortical

Flash Fiction Friday: The Sexy Cortical

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by Andy de Fonseca It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dim, reddish light that pulsated through the mixture of cigarette smoke and dry-ice mist wafting throughout the room. In the absence of one large stage there were several cages placed about; chairs circled them, occupied […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-A-Textbook-Killing

Flash Fiction Friday: A Textbook Killing

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by Bix Skahill “I don’t know nothing about Mr. Pedersen’s truck.” “You don’t know anything about Mr. Pedersen’s truck.” “That’s what I said.” Glaring down at the man kneeling and shaking on the abandoned warehouse floor, Muller sighed and shifted the bloody, bulky textbook to his left hand, then back. […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Mutagon-II-Excerpt

Flash Fiction Friday: Mutagon II (Excerpt)

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by Jamie Grefe Ned is at the Chevy-Levy coffee house, hidden among those night alleys, between chicken-on-a-stick standing bars, shady karaoke joints, porn shops, and used vinyl bins. He likes it here. Other than the desert, here a man can still think. Grime on the tabletop, white dust. The smell […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Were-God-a-Better-God

Flash Fiction Friday: Were God a Better God

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by Amanda Billings The paper hat opened its tiny paper eyes and grimaced. It had never had eyes before, and through the magic of divine intervention it now shrank back from the throbbing pain of fluorescent lights forcing its paper pupils to constrict for the first time. It had no […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Baby-Ruth-Wasnt-the-Only-Fat-Person-to-go-Through-the-Floor

Flash Fiction Friday: Baby Ruth Wasn’t the Only Fat Person to go Through the Floor

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by Dustin Reade A man walks into a cemetery holding an electric blanket. The cord dangles behind him, hitching and bumping in the wet grass. He approaches a row of old stones, nods his head, and lays the blanket over the selected plots. Carefully, he lies down in the center […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Chocolate-Covered-Gummy-Bears

Flash Fiction Friday: Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears

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by Tiffany Scandal I cradled our baby in my arms. I hummed sweet hymns as she slept against my breast. You walked by the doorway and smiled at me in that way that makes me blush. We talked about horror movies. How funny they are and how nothing is really […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-The-Perfect-Fit

Flash Fiction Friday: The Perfect Fit

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by Grant Wamack Sherry Haueer sat on a park bench sipping on glue and flipping through the latest issue of Jigsaw Now! But she couldn’t help but admire all the beautiful couples, walking hand in hand. All of them fit together so perfectly. Sherry grew jealous of the other jigsaw […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Shopping-for-Feelings

Flash Fiction Friday: Shopping for Feelings

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by Allen Taylor I only wanted that sense of humanity that seemed intrinsic. I’ve wanted it since I crawled out from under the toadstool that served as my shelter those initial days of my life. That’s why I roamed the aisles of the local supermarket looking for feelings. “Excuse me, […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-The-Fictioneers

Flash Fiction Friday: The Fictioneers

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by Mark Allen Berryhill A creepy cult, a gargantuan cave, a maelstrom churning in abyssal waters, and you’re there right by my side. The adventure getting here really was something, with all the intrigue and waking nightmares and that orgy that won’t sound nearly as awkward when you’re bragging about […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Xmas-Eve-of-the-Living-Dead

Flash Fiction Friday: Xmas Eve of the Living Dead

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by Ross E. Lockhart “It used to start getting light again, didn’t it, right after the winter solstice? Not this year. Look out there, dark as pitch, dark as sin. You know they’re out there, waiting, hungry. Morning’s not coming. “And this side of the wall? Listen. Those idiots are […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-Pussy-Ripper-vs.-Marv-Molotov

Flash Fiction Friday: Pussy Ripper vs. Marv Molotov

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by Jeremy Maddux The Turbo Dome was filled to capacity with ravenous fans who’d scrapped and saved all year to witness the spectacle that was known as Trucks ‘N Guts ‘N Stuff. TGS was a lot like the Harlem Globetrotters or professional wrestling, only the violence was real, and people […]

Flash-Fiction-Friday - FF-The-Jeremiah-Tree

Flash Fiction Friday: The Jeremiah Tree

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by Constance Ann Fitzgerald Asleep in my bed, the sound of the front door latching shut woke me. I lay there, staring off into the shadows that were fractioned by the slits of light cast by the blinds. Then came a rustling sound, like that of a long exasperated breeze […]

Book-Headers - Header-Brian-Allen-Carr-Motherfucking-Sharks

Flash Fiction Friday: Up Comes the Shark

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Excerpt of Motherfucking Sharks by Brian Allen Carr On the ground, near a puddle, its face the smell of chocolate, a toddler toddles. See this, friend: eyes green, cheeks alight with joy. Blonde hair only ever so slightly feathered by breeze. A giggle. A tummy laugh. You ever touched a […]

Book-Headers - Header-Brian-Allen-Carr-Motherfucking-Sharks

Flash Fiction Friday: Up Comes the Shark

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Excerpt of Motherfucking Sharks by Brian Allen Carr On the ground, near a puddle, its face the smell of chocolate, a toddler toddles. See this, friend: eyes green, cheeks alight with joy. Blonde hair only ever so slightly feathered by breeze. A giggle. A tummy laugh. You ever touched a […]