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Tons of New Releases! Mud Season! Tenderbear Goes Apeshit! Mother’s Revenge!

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From Justin Grimbol and Atlatl Press comes a book of poetry about Upstate New York and marriage: Mud Season. Next, Moses Guttchenridder has several problems. His business, Macramania, is going under. His lovelife is in the toilet. Oh, and he has been forced into helping a murderous garden gnome take […]

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Flash Fiction Friday: A Textbook Killing

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by Bix Skahill “I don’t know nothing about Mr. Pedersen’s truck.” “You don’t know anything about Mr. Pedersen’s truck.” “That’s what I said.” Glaring down at the man kneeling and shaking on the abandoned warehouse floor, Muller sighed and shifted the bloody, bulky textbook to his left hand, then back. […]

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New Bizarro Author Review #27: Babes in Gangland by Bix Skahill

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by J.W. Wargo ID SAYS:GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZUUUUUSSSSSSS CHRIST!!!! Kid Phoenix has been shot! The bastard’s gone to the big strip club in the sky… Or has he? Because of some lightning-induced magic, the exact moment Kid vamoosed, little baby Jaydon arrived. Cute little fucker with his slicked-back hair, his 5 o’clock shadow, […]