Leigham Shardlow (host), Dani Brown, Chris Meekings, and Madeleine Swann join around the proverbial campfire to read ghostly holiday stories.

The cult section of the literary world
Leigham Shardlow (host), Dani Brown, Chris Meekings, and Madeleine Swann join around the proverbial campfire to read ghostly holiday stories.
Today we take a look at The Deadfall Wisconsin Podcast. Five of the most experienced and qualified investigative journalists in the world focus their combined expertise into solving one of nature’s greatest mysteries. Legends of fanged deer stretch back hundreds of years, but where did these fanged deer come from? […]
There seems to be nothing short of acclaim for Wonderland Award-winning author Danger Slater’s most recent novel, Moonfellows, from Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing. There’s no science to be found in this book, but I didn’t order a science book. I ordered a bizarro tale about the true-ish history of the […]
Get a dose of weird with recent episodes of some of our favorite podcasts and vlogs, including… JOHN WAYNE LIED TO YOU: Episode 40 – The Day I Used Up All My White Privilege and REVIEW ME PLEASE: S02 E02A Ayalew Mesfin – Hasabe (My Worries) Unboxing
Bizarro author, poet, and Australian S.T. Carledge has created something in total defiance of all the sea of podcasts that saturates the internet. This new and groundbreaking interview format features all the candid conversation of a podcast… but you can read it. That’s right: real, emotional, boundary-breaking revelations and soul-searching […]
This week’s roundup of podcasts includes… BIZZONG! Featuring the 2017 Recipient of the Wonderland Book of the Year Award, Danger Slater. Danger talks about his moment at BizarroCon when he won the award and how it affected him. More important, we talk about his newest book, which comes out February 14th, […]
Bizarro Con is almost a whole year away, and many of us still have great memories of the 2017 bizarro fiction convention. Bizarro Con is the most magical time and place on earth. Not Bizarro Con is a yearlong slog of boredom and normalcy. Luckily, Madeleine Swann created a lovely […]
Here comes some of that ultra-modern video web logging! Madeleine Swann and Christoph Paul are hard at work providing content that moves and talks on your screen. First is Ms. Swann, who catalogs some of her favorite weird books… and Christoph with some writing advice…
Today’s roundup of podcasts every weirdo should listen to includes FIVE different shows with a veritable smorgasbord of strangeness… BIZZONG! talks with NBAS 2018 author Larissa Glasser about her experience at BizarroCon 2017. Then we dig into her book, the first of the new crop of New Bizarro Authors for 2018, […]
Christoph Paul is a weird writer and die hard Dolphins fan. Squishy the Cat is Jeff Burk’s obese cat. In a sane world, the two of them would be allowed to lead an NFL football team to glory. Instead, here they are in Jeff’s bedroom giving Jay Cutler the business.
Now and then my bizarro peers will chime in and let me know what’s happening out there in Podcastlandia. Today I hear tales of Nicholaus Patnaude at LOSING THE PLOT, discussing his books Guitar Wolf and First Aide Medicine, as well as his new psychedelic horror press, Psychedelic Horror Press […]
Bizarro author and all around renaissance man Michael Allen Rose has launched a YouTube show called REVIEW ME PLEASE! Mr. Rose has a lot of strange and wonderful interests, is a consummate performer, and should’ve been given the Tonight Show instead of Jimmy Fallon. Playing the straight man, sound connoisseur […]
Deadite Press head editor, Jeff Burk (Shatnerquake, Super Giant Monster Time, Cripple Wolf, and Shatnerquest), has started a new podcast about weirdo artists, strange creators, bizarre performers, and shit he thinks is cool. The first four episodes are now live and feature interviews with Andrew Goldfarb, Pedro Proença, and Veronica […]