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Rerelease: To Wallow in Ash by Sam Richard

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Winner of the Wonderland Award for Best Collection 2019, comes a rerelease of To Wallow in Ash and Other Sorrows by Sam Richard from Weirdpunk Books. It is a bleak and unflinching look at widowhood through the lens of horror fiction. Peep at this shiny new cover: Written in the […]

Book-Headers - Header Weird Punk Books Cinema Viscera

Cinema Viscera: An Anthology of Movie Theater Horror

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In five unique and bizarre tales Katy Michelle Quinn (Girl in the Walls), Charles Austin Muir (Slippery When Metastasized), Jo Quenell (The Mud Ballad), Brendan Vidito (Nightmares in Ecstasy), and Sam Richard (Sabbath of the Fox-Devils) each bring you their own disturbing vision of what lurks in the darkness of […]