Book-Headers - Header Douglas Hackle The Ballad of Terror Tiny Tim

In a world where the letter “r” has yet to be discovered, a man named Han Solo and a man named You-Don’t-Have-To-Be-Lonely-At-Farmers-Only-Dot-Com must face something old and evil that lurks behind a locked door in the suburban basement-dungeon in which they are imprisoned…

To impress a girl, a unicycle-riding, cask-of-amontillado-drinking fool travels to Afghanistan to obtain a dead sewer rat…

An investigator attempts to find out if a missing teenage girl named Lovey Dovey has run off with Bleak Zeke—a toothless, one-armed old man who happens to be the number one boyband in America…

When an African Studies student becomes bored because all they ever do in his African Studies courses is sit around and listen to the song “Africa” by Toto, he registers for a class called Introduction to AULD SKULL, only to discover that no one appears to know what the cryptic phrase “AULD SKULL” refers to, not even the professor teaching the class…

Douglas Hackle neither wanted nor planned on becoming the boss of a yakuza gang—but things don’t always go as planned, do they?…

After Hasselhoff Amadeus Zuncle inherits a castle in the rugged mountains of central Bulgaria, life is great until he discovers his sole neighbor is his own funeral…

The third collection of short fiction from Douglas Hackle, The Ballad of TERROR TINY TIM and Other Tales of Unkindness includes the newly revised, out-of-print novelette “The Ballad of TERROR TINY TIM ” and thirteen other stories, ten of which are published here for the first time.

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The Ballad of TERROR TINY TIM and Other Tales of Unkindness by Douglas Hackle

Buy your copy from Amazon now.

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