Book-Headers - Header Chris Meekings Moon Mayor

After being caught in bed with a headless pageant winner, Abraham Lincoln (no relation) is stripped of his duties as the mayor of Gyre, the harbor-like town where garbage clings to its spiraling shores. The townsfolk stand their grounds of disrespectful rage over their former mayor and factions of humans, animals, dinosaurs, zombies, chewing-gum, fairy-folk, and gangster snowmen have already begun welcoming the new mayor… Moon and an alien invasion they don’t even see coming.

Abe sees nothing but bad news and teams up with a young cub reporter and a nihilistic, signing bear to take back his thrown before the whole town turns to garbage like its shores. Meeking’s sci-fi-political Bizarro is something like Mike Resnick’s: John Justin Mallory series meets Tim Burton’s Mars Attack.

uploads - Cover Chris Meekings Moon Mayor
Moon Mayor by Chris Meekings

Thoroughly ridiculous, wonderfully British, and full of weirdness, passion and wild satire alike. Meekings finds the best of us in the worst among us.

-Garrett Cook, author of Charcoal and House of Hungry Walls

Find your copy at or Amazon.

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