There are TONS of bizarro events on the horizon. So if you’re actually within throwing distance of any of these events, schedule your next two weeks accordingly!

Friday, October 20, 7:00 pm at Copperfield Books in Petaluma, CA: Join Ross Lockhart as he hosts Brian Allen Carr and his weird, lyrical, and apocalyptic novel SIP.

The 3rd Annual Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival–Saturday, October 21, 10:00am at the North Haverhill Public Library in Haverhill, MA: Amber Fallon will be in attendance for the debut of her latest book, TV DINNERS FROM HELL

The Bizarro Hour–Tuesday, October 24 at 6 PM at the Multnomah County Central Library: Join Rose O’Keefe, publisher of Eraserhead Press, and her band of Bizarro authors for entertaining and engaging live performance art readings and a panel discussion about the genre and its history and relevance to our community. Featuring readings by: Jeremy Robert Johnson, Cameron Pierce, Tiffany Scandal, Jeff Burk, Kevin L. Donihe, Kirsten Alene, Danger Slater

An Evening of Ghost Stories with Ross Lockhart and Friends–Friday, October 27, 7:00pm at Copperfield Books in Petaluma, CA: Dim the lights, place your hands upon the planchette, and ask the spirits to guide you as we present 14 stories of the strange and supernatural. Edited by Copperfield’s own Ross E. Lockhart, Tales from a Talking Board examines auguries, divination, and fortune telling through devices like Ouija boards, tarot cards, and stranger things. Event attendees are encouraged to “come as you were”: dress as your favorite famous or literary ghost for a spirited costume contest!
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