This comic is a real throwback to the old European sci-fi comics, the kind that throws a heavy side of weirdness in with the aliens and robots, and was usually drawn by Moebius. It begins with a regular guy living in the future named Verloc. Along with a robot ape companion, he joins his brother on a mission to find some missing scientists and their experiment, called aama.

Of course, they are soon overwhelmed by the strangeness they find on this journey. It turns out aama might just have the power to create/destroy everything while altering our characters’ feeble perceptions of their dystopian world.

As the story goes on, it becomes more surreal, until Verloc’s daughter gets involved and begins to harness aama’s reality-warping power. Until everything gets all mutated and metaphysical and you’re just lucky you finished this comic with your consciousness intact.

So if you enjoy weird comics, sublime visuals, and existential insanity, check out aama!

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