Voting for the Wonderland Book Award preliminary ballot begins now for the Best Bizarro Novel and Best Bizarro Collection of 2015. Please send your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place votes in the Novel and Collection categories to bizarrocon@gmail.com with the subject line “Wonderland Book Award Preliminary Ballot.” Preliminary voting ends August 1st.
NOTE TO AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS: Please do not solicit or campaign for votes.
Best Novel
A God of Hungry Walls by Garrett Cook
Animal Money by Michael Cisco
Arachnophile by Betty Rocksteady
As She Stabbed Me Gently in the Face by Carlton Mellick III
Benjamin by Pedro Proenca
Boiled Americans by Michael Allen Rose
Cattle Cult Kill Kill by Emma Alice Johnson
Clownfellas by Carlton Mellick III
Domo ArigaDIE!!! by Jamie Grefe
Elephant Vice by Chris Meekings
Everyone Gets Eaten by Ben Brooks
Jigsaw Youth by Tiffany Scandal
King Space Void by Anthony Trevino
Live Bait by Cameron Pierce
Rainbows Suck by Madeleine Swann
Ritualistic Human Sacrifice by C.V. Hunt
Rock ‘N’ Roll Headcase by Lee Widener
Scary People by Kyle Muntz
Sick Pack by Emma Alice Johnson
Skullcrack City by Jeremy Robert Johnson
Slasher Camp for Nerd Dorks by Christoph Paul
Texas Chainsaw Mantis by Kevin Strange
The Bohemian Guide to Monogamy by Andrew Armacost
The Book of Adventures by Gregory Bouthiette
The Lost Level by Brian Keene
Towers by Karl Fischer
White City by Seb Doubinsky
X’s for Eyes by Laird Barron
Zero Saints by Gabino Iglesias
Best Collection
Amazing Punk Stories by David Agranoff
Battle Without Honor or Humanity: Volume 1 by D. Harlan Wilson
Beautiful Madness by S.T. Cartledge
Midnight Earwig Buffet by Andrew Goldfarb
Our Love Will Go the Way of the Salmon by Cameron Pierce
Rules of Appropriate Conduct by Kirsten Alene
Stealing Propeller Hats from the Dead by David James Keaton
Strategies Against Nature by Cody Goodfellow
The Art of Horrible People by John Skipp
The Night’s Neon Fangs by David Barbee
The Pulse Between Dimensions and the Desert by Rios de la Luz
The Underside of the Rainbow by B.E. Burkhead
Wet and Screaming by Shane McKenzie
You Might Just Make It Out of This Alive by Garrett Cook
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