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New Bizarro Author Series Review #30: The Church of TV as God by Daniel Vlasaty

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by J.W. Wargo Id Says:HOOOOLLLLLLYYYYYY EMERGENCY BROADCASTING SYSTEM!!!! Everyone knows TV addicts are out there, but fucking television cultists praying in a house of screens? And now their zealous boob-tube leader thinks he’s found their savior. Oh, great are the cable channel deity motherfuckers! This cathode-ray of sunshine doesn’t know […]

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The Tea House: My Life As a Writer – Marathon Writing and Saving Your Work

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By Daniel Vlasaty Today is brought to you by Goose Island 312. I wrote a book! And that is awesome. It’s called The Church of TV as God and it’s probably the most awesome thing I’ve ever done, aside from maybe marrying my wife … or deciding to grow a […]