Submission-Calls - Madness Heart Press Trigger Warning Curses

Trigger Warning Annual Anthology: Curses

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Madness Heart Press is now seeking submissions for its fourth edition of Trigger Warning. The previous editions have covered Speaking Ill of the dead, extreme Body Horror, and Hallucinations. This time around they’re looking for the most unspeakable, gut-wrenching, mind-bending stories about curses writers can drag out of their nightmares. […]

Book-Headers - Header MHP Employee Handbook

Madness Heart Press Employee Handbook: You Serve Us Now

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You have what every man, woman, and sentient rock wants: a job in publishing. And not just any job in publishing. A career working for the incredible and sometimes quite insane giant of publishing and paper-related war crimes, Madness Heart Press.First, congratulations. Second, you have before you an opportunity, an […]

Book-Headers - Header MHP Nafallen University 2022 2023 Course Catalog

Nafallen University 2022-2023 Course Catalog

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Established in 1613 by academic and occult pioneer, as well as failed vintner, Fenrick Oglebutt, through trans-chronological fallacies and a lust for knowledge, Nafallen University has become one of the foremost centers of learning on all matters from the mundane to the mythic. Located in beautifully desiccated Crisp, Texas, Nafallen […]