Wierd Punk Books brings us Brendan Vidito’s next masterpiece scheduled for July 31st, 2022. The Wonderland-Award-winning author of Nightmares in Ecstasy unleashes nine new tales of apocalyptic body horror in Pornography for the End of the World.
A young man is initiated into a cult that worships sickness and disease.
Survivors of a nuclear holocaust make a pilgrimage to the last movie theater in existence.
Premonitions of disaster haunt a loving couple doomed to watch each other die.
Each story pulsates with Vidito’s characteristic dark humor, atmospheric tension, and visceral prose. This is pornography for the devotee of horror, the morbidly curious—pornography for the end of the world.

“With apocalyptic urgency, Vidito strip-mines our psychosexual fears and frailties as humans to elicit an ecstatic response. I couldn’t stop reading. As a grand manipulator, he molds speculative horror and body horror into one dark hybrid, a sleek and cum-soaked vessel of transcendence.”
Joe Koch, The Wingspan of Severed Hands, Convulsive
With praise like that and, dare I say gorgeous, cover art by famed Polish artist Wieslaw Walkuski even a short wait will be interminable. Claim your copy now.
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