In 2014, after the release of his debut novel, celebrated writer and visionary publisher Kevin Sampsell switched gears and turned to a new creative obsession: making collage art.
Initially influenced by the wild cutup language of William S. Burroughs, Sampsell soon discovered countless modern collagists that inspired him to take his art further and further from where it started. Years later, he finds himself at the center of a growing movement of 21st-century cut and paste.
I Made an Accident showcases over 200 of Sampsell’s collages, exploring a range of styles: hilarious sight gags, subtle cultural jabs, elegant mysteries, colorful surprises, fragmented hauntings, and gloriously strange accidents. Combined with Sampsell’s sharp and lively poems, this book is a feast for the eyes and brain and a nonstop entertainment.

“I’ve always thought of collage as visual poetry, and this book proves that’s true. Images, words, and textures taken from their original environments, and then beautifully rearranged to tell new stories. Kevin Sampsell’s I Made An Accident is a love letter to collage.”
—Danielle Krysa, The Jealous Curator
“I Made an Accident is a book of wild little miracles: a space where text and image rub up against each other to make magic sparks. Sampsell’s work here is innovative, refreshing, and moving–full of tender wit and dark humor.”
—Kimberly King Parsons, author of Black Light
Kevin Sampsell is the author of a memoir (A Common Pornography), a novel (This Is Between Us), and other books. He lives in Portland, Oregon, and runs the influential small press, Future Tense Books. An award-winning bookseller, he has worked at Powell’s City of Books since 1997. His collages have appeared on album covers, book covers, and in many publications like Kolaj Magazine, The Rumpus, The Weird Show, Chicago Quarterly Review, Black Candies, Ohio Edit, Entropy, Watershed Review, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and elsewhere. He is the co-curator of Sharp Hands Gallery, a website featuring international collage artists.
Twitter and Instagram: @kevinsampsell
Tumblr: https://kevinsampsellcollages.tumblr.com/
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